How to make terracotta wind chime

terracotta wind chime

How to make terracotta wind chime

Learn how to make terracotta wind chime in this article. This windchime is 

Courtesy: Knick Knack Crafts

brushes (1)


  • scissors
  • ruler
  • blunt-end needle
  • felt-tipped pen or marker for marking string (optional)
  • clay
  • paint brushes
  • wax paper

brushes (2)

Firstly you can make sure that you are doing which type of designing, and take the required measurement of clay designing

brushes (3)

Take a large terracotta pot of your top decoration and start to stick each thread on the pot

brushes (4)

using the paint brush, add some colors to your terracotta wind chimes.  now the beautiful terracotta wind chimes is ready to hang

brushes (5)